Bhutan and its Neighbors: Exploring the Potential of Regional Tourism

Bhutanese Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay recently visited India and attended an event organized by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). During the event, the topic of regional tourism collaboration among South Asian countries was raised by Dipak Deva, the chair of FICCI’s Tourism and Cultural Committee.

Instead of simply quoting Deva, Tobgay enthusiastically embraced his proposal. He expressed his support for developing tourism packages that would combine the beautiful assets of Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and India. Furthermore, Tobgay was positive about improving e-visa policies to make them more tourist-friendly and India-friendly.

This idea of regional tourism connectivity resonated with tourism entrepreneurs and leaders in Nepal. Basudev Baral, a Nepali tourism entrepreneur, highlighted the potential benefits of multi-country packages for all tourism operators in the region, catering to both domestic and foreign tourists. Many tourism insiders in Nepal shared Baral’s assessment.

Deva also touched on the topic of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the tourism sector. He cited Sri Lanka as an example, where allowing FDI led to positive results. Deva suggested that Bhutan consider allowing FDI in tourism, which would enhance the quality of the tourism experience for visitors traveling through India and Bhutan.

A combined travel package offering access to Bhutan, Nepal, and India would undoubtedly attract world travelers. However, the World Bank has pointed out that South Asia, including the BBIN subregion (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal), is one of the least integrated regions in the world. Connectivity barriers make traveling within the region challenging, hindering the growth of tourism.

To address these challenges, a BBIN tourism corridor could be the starting point for subregional connectivity. It would benefit all four countries involved. For India, it would showcase its leadership in connecting regional countries. Bhutan would have the opportunity to earn regional tourism revenues while highlighting its environmentally conscious identity. Nepal and Bangladesh would see an increase in tourism footfalls and revenues.

Of course, there are obstacles to overcome, such as security concerns and national sensitivities. However, cooperation on intelligence sharing and the use of advanced technology can mitigate potential threats. As the largest country in the region, India can play a leading role in making this regional tourism agreement a reality.

By capitalizing on the unique natural, cultural, and adventure offerings of the Himalayan region, Bhutan and its neighbors have the potential to create an irresistible destination for travelers worldwide. Through regional collaboration, these countries can unlock the economic benefits of tourism and showcase the best of South Asia to the world.

Često postavljana pitanja o regionalnoj suradnji u turizmu među zemljama Južne Azije:

1. Koje zemlje su uključene u ovu regionalnu suradnju u turizmu?
2. Koje su prednosti multikonzularnih paketa za turističke operatere u regiji?
3. Što je Bhutan obećao podržati u vezi poboljšanja politike e-viza?
4. Kako je strano izravno ulaganje (FDI) pomoglo turizmu u Šri Lanki?
5. Kako su poteškoće u regionalnoj povezanosti regije BBIN (Bangladeš, Butan, Indija i Nepal) utjecale na turizam?
6. Koje su prednosti BBIN turističkog koridora za sve četiri zemlje?
7. Kako se prepreke, poput sigurnosnih pitanja i nacionalnih osjetljivosti, mogu riješiti?
8. Kako Indija može odigrati ključnu ulogu u ostvarivanju regionalnog sporazuma o turizmu?
9. Kakav je potencijal za turizam u Himalaji i kako se to može iskoristiti?

Definicije ključnih pojmova:
– FICCI – Federacija indijskih komora trgovine i industrije (FICCI) je vodeća indijska poslovna organizacija koja predstavlja industriju i trgovinu u Indiji.
– E-viza – E-viza je elektronički oblik vize koji omogućuje stranim državljanima da putuju u određenu zemlju bez potrebe za tradicionalnom fizičkom vizom.
– Strano izravno ulaganje (FDI) – Strano izravno ulaganje je ulaganje u poduzeća i poslove u nekoj zemlji od strane strane države ili tvrtke, s ciljem stvaranja dugoročnog interesa i kontrole nad tim poduzećem ili poslom.
– BBIN – BBIN je subregija koja obuhvaća zemlje Bangladeš, Butan, Indija i Nepal.

Predloženi povezani linkovi:
Ministarstvo turizma Butana
World Bank Group – Južna Azija
Nepalski turizam

THIS IS LIFE IN BHUTAN: The most isolated country in the world?

BySeweryn Dominsky

Seweryn Dominsky istaknut je autor i mislilac u području novih tehnologija i fintech-a, poznat po svojim pronicljivim analizama i perspektivama usmjerenim prema budućnosti. Ima diplomu iz računalnih znanosti sa prestižnog Sveučilišta u Glasgowu, gdje je razvio duboko razumijevanje digitalnih inovacija i njihovih implikacija za financijski sektor. S više od desetljeća iskustva u tehnološkoj industriji, Seweryn je obavljao ključne pozicije u raznim firmama, uključujući značajnu karijeru u Quantum Tech Solutions, gdje je sudjelovao u inovativnim projektima na sjecištu financija i tehnologije. Njegovo pisanje odražava strast za istraživanjem brzo evoluirajućeg pejzaža fintech-a, s ciljem educiranja i inspiriranja i profesionalaca iz industrije i laika. Seweryn je posvećen poticanju dubljeg razumijevanja tehnologija koje oblikuju našu financijsku budućnost.