Goa Introduces Revolutionary Approach to Tourism
Panaji: Goa, known for its picturesque beaches and vibrant culture, has once again taken a pioneering step in the field of tourism. The state has become the first in India…
Panaji: Goa, known for its picturesque beaches and vibrant culture, has once again taken a pioneering step in the field of tourism. The state has become the first in India…
Turistička industrija često igra važnu ulogu u ekonomskom razvoju regija diljem svijeta. To je slučaj i s Kašmirom, prekrasnom indijskom regijom koja svojom prirodnom ljepotom privlači veliki broj turista iz…
Ulaskom u prostrani predvorje hotela David InterContinental u Tel Avivu, prisjetio sam se svog posjeta tom mjestu tijekom pandemije COVID-19. Gosti su rijetko viđeni, na recepciji je samo jedan djelatnik,…
Taiwan has been making significant efforts to attract Japanese tourists to its shores, but a more integrated approach is needed to further enhance these efforts. Rather than relying solely on…
Izvor: Yakima Valley Tourism Putovanja i turizam doživljavaju oporavak nakon pandemije, što je rezultiralo uspješnom 2023. godinom za tim Yakima Valley Turizma. Iako su mnogi čimbenici utjecali na putovanja i…
Na našoj web stranici Travel And Tour World koristimo kolačiće kako bismo vam pružili najrelevantnije iskustvo pamćenjem vaših preferencija i ponavljanjem posjeta. Uz pomoć kolačića možemo vam pružiti personalizirano putovanje…
Ministar kulture i turizma Mehmet Nuri Ersoy objavio je da će uskoro započeti radovi na noćnim muzejima u ruševinama, uključujući i antički grad Hierapolis. Govoreći na događaju na kojem su…
Spain's tourism industry experienced a major boost in 2023, with a record 85.1 million international tourists visiting the country, a 19% increase compared to the previous year. This milestone comes…
The Minister of Tourism in Jamaica, Edmund Bartlett, and his team held a crucial meeting with Robin Russell, President of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association, and representatives of the…
Jamaica is once again taking center stage in the study of tourism resilience as it hosts the Global Tourism Resilience Conference. The country has been working tirelessly to position itself…